本 Total English - 上級 - ユニット 1 - 語彙
ここには、Total English Advanced コースブックの Unit 1 - Vocabulary にある「overcautious」、「outplay」、「superhuman」などの単語が表示されます。
used to indicate that the thing being described is only part of the whole or incomplete in some way

セミ-, 半-

used to indicate that something is beneath, below, inferior, or subordinate to something else

下-, 下部の

used to indicate an excess of something, implying that the quantity or amount of something is greater than necessary or beyond a certain limit

超-, 以上の

excessively or unnecessarily cautious or careful, often to the point of being overly restrictive or hesitant

行き過ぎた慎重さ, 過剰に慎重な

used to indicate something that is above, beyond, or extremely high in degree or quality


having abilities or qualities that go beyond what is considered normal or humanly possible

超人的な, スーパーヒューマンな

used to intensify or elevate the meaning of the word, making it more prominent or significant

アーキ-, アーチ-