
感覚と感情の動詞 - 不可視を表す動詞










Categorized English Verbs of Senses and Emotions
to disappear

to no longer be able to be seen

消える, 姿を消す

消える, 姿を消す

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to vanish

to suddenly and mysteriously disappear without explanation

消える, 姿を消す

消える, 姿を消す

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to evanesce

to slowly fade and disappear completely from one's view or memory

消える, フェードアウトする

消える, フェードアウトする

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to hide

to keep something in a secret place, preventing it from being seen

隠す, 秘密にする

隠す, 秘密にする

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to conceal

to carefully cover or hide something or someone

隠す, 秘匿する

隠す, 秘匿する

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to cover up

to prevent something from being discovered or revealed

隠す, 覆い隠す

隠す, 覆い隠す

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to secrete

to hide something, often by placing it out of sight

隠す, 秘匿する

隠す, 秘匿する

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to dissimulate

to conceal or disguise one's true feelings, intentions, or thoughts behind a false appearance or behavior

ふりをする, 隠す

ふりをする, 隠す

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to camouflage

to make or become undetectable by resembling the color or shape of a surrounding

カモフラージュする, 隠す

カモフラージュする, 隠す

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to obscure

to conceal or hide something

隠す, 覆い隠す

隠す, 覆い隠す

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to disguise

to change one's appearance, behavior, or nature in order to conceal one's identity or true nature

変装する,  disguise

変装する, disguise

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to bury

to cover or hide something from sight, often by placing it in the ground or covering it with another material

埋める, 隠す

埋める, 隠す

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to cloak

to cover or hide something, making it less visible

覆う, 隠す

覆う, 隠す

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to mantle

to cover or wrap something, like a cloak

覆う, 包む

覆う, 包む

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to veil

to conceal or obscure something, as if with a covering

覆う, 隠す

覆う, 隠す

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to tuck away

to put something in a safe or hidden place for later use or to keep it out of sight

隠す, しまう

隠す, しまう

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to mask

to use a covering, such as a physical mask or other means, to hide or protect one's face

マスクする, 覆う

マスクする, 覆う

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to cache

to hide or store something for future use

隠す, 貯蔵する

隠す, 貯蔵する

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to occlude

to hide or conceal by covering or obstructing

遮る, 覆う

遮る, 覆う

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