Ρήματα Αισθήσεων και Συναισθημάτων - Ρήματα για την αορατότητα
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικά αγγλικά ρήματα που αναφέρονται στην αορατότητα όπως "εξαφανίζεται", "κρύβω" και "μεταμφίεση".
to dissimulate
to conceal or disguise one's true feelings, intentions, or thoughts behind a false appearance or behavior
to disguise
to change one's appearance, behavior, or nature in order to conceal one's identity or true nature
to bury
to cover or hide something from sight, often by placing it in the ground or covering it with another material
to tuck away
to put something in a safe or hidden place for later use or to keep it out of sight

Λήψη εφαρμογής LanGeek