一般トレーニング IELTS (バンド 6-7) - 物理的な作用と反応
ここでは、General Training IELTS 試験に必要な身体的な動作と反応に関連するいくつかの英単語を学びます。
to graze
to cause injury to the surface of one's skin by rubbing it against something rough

擦りむく, かすり傷を負わせる

to combat
to fight or contend against someone or something, often in a physical or armed conflict

戦う, 闘う

to maul
to attack or handle someone or something roughly, causing severe injury or damage

襲う, 乱暴に扱う

to thrash
to beat or strike repeatedly with force, often in a violent or uncontrolled manner

叩く, 襲う

to swoop
to quickly and unexpectedly attack a group or place to surround and capture them

突襲する, 襲いかかる

to thump
to hit or strike heavily with the hand or a blunt object, producing a dull, muffled sound

叩く, 打つ

to jab
to deliver a quick, sharp punch with a straight arm, often used in boxing to hit an opponent

素早く突く, 早く打つ

