to say that one is willing to damage something or hurt someone if one's demands are not met

脅す, 威嚇する

to cause or impose something unpleasant, harmful, or unwelcome upon someone or something

与える, 押し付ける

to cause pain, suffering, or distress, often as a result of illness, injury, or hardship

苦しめる, 悩ませる

to make a place, substance, etc. dirty or harmful by adding dangerous material

汚染する, 害する

to degrade or tarnish something pure and perfect, especially the reputation of someone

汚す, 傷つける

to make people believe someone or something is not trustworthy or reliable

信用を失墜させる, 不信に陥れる

the harmful effects or potential for harm caused by a substance to living organisms or the environment


having the ability to cause damage or destruction, especially through chemical reactions

腐食性の, 腐食性

damaging to health both physically and mentally by being poisonous or unpleasant

有害な, 有毒な

harsh, providing an environment where life or growth is difficult or impossible

不毛な, 非 hospitableな