
同意と反対 - 相互理解と同意










Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement

an act of taking a person's hand and shaking it as a greeting or after having made an agreement with them

握手, 挨拶

握手, 挨拶

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friendly with no disagreement involved

調和の取れた, 友好的な

調和の取れた, 友好的な

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in a manner that is helpful, peaceful, friendly, and without disagreement

調和的に, 調和して

調和的に, 調和して

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coexistence in peace and agreement

ハーモニー, 調和

ハーモニー, 調和

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hear, hear!

used to show one's complete agreement with something, particularly in a speech

聞いた!, その通り!

聞いた!, その通り!

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to honor

to do what one promised or agreed to do

尊重する, 履行する

尊重する, 履行する

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honor system

an agreement that is completely based on the honesty of the parties involved

名誉制度, 信頼制度

名誉制度, 信頼制度

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to humor

to do the things that a person wants, no matter how unreasonable they are, in order to keep them satisfied

喜ばせる, おもてなしする

喜ばせる, おもてなしする

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in accord with

in agreement with; not against

to incline

to bend one's head downward, particularly as an act of agreement, greeting, etc.

頭を下げる, 傾ける

頭を下げる, 傾ける

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true and therefore impossible to be denied or disagreed with

反論の余地がない, 否定できない

反論の余地がない, 否定できない

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‌in a manner that leaves no room for disagreement or denial

議論の余地なく, 明白に

議論の余地なく, 明白に

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true in a way that leaves no room for denial or disagreement

否定できない, 反論の余地がない

否定できない, 反論の余地がない

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in a manner that leaves no room for denial or disagreement

反論の余地なく, 論争の余地がない

反論の余地なく, 論争の余地がない

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clearly true therefore leaving no room for disagreement or denial

反論の余地がない, 明白な

反論の余地がない, 明白な

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in a way that makes any disagreement or denial impossible or unlikely

疑いなく, 紛れもなく

疑いなく, 紛れもなく

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in favor

used to show support for or agreement with someone or something

賛成して, ために

賛成して, ために

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in tune

in agreement with someone or something

it is a deal

said to let someone know that one agrees with something, particularly with someone's terms

to lend one's name to something

to publicly support something

to like

to show support for or interest in a post shared on social media, a blog, etc. by tapping a specific button

いいねする, 好む

いいねする, 好む

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something by which a person can show their interest in or approval of a post shared on social media, a blog, etc. by tapping a specific button

いいね, ライク

いいね, ライク

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to make up

to become friends with someone once more after ending a quarrel with them

仲直りする, 和解する

仲直りする, 和解する

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to make peace

to stop fighting with someone and become friendly with them


used as a response to a question when one does not have a definite answer or does not want to agree or disagree

たぶん, おそらく

たぶん, おそらく

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to meet somebody halfway

to come to an agreement with someone by granting some of their requests while they grant some of one's requests

to mend

to resolve a dispute or problem

修復する, 解決する

修復する, 解決する

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to mend one's fences

to repair or restore one's relationships, especially after a period of tension or conflict

middle ground

a specific set of opinions, ideas, etc. on which conflicting parties agree; a position that is intermediate

中間地, 妥協点

中間地, 妥協点

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modus vivendi

an agreement between oppositions to stop arguing for a specific time or indefinitely

モーダス・ヴィヴェンディ, 一時的合意

モーダス・ヴィヴェンディ, 一時的合意

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to nod

to move one's head up and down as a sign of agreement, understanding, or greeting

うなずく, 頷く

うなずく, 頷く

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no kidding

used to highlight the sincerity or truthfulness of a statement

冗談じゃなくて, 本当に

冗談じゃなくて, 本当に

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not causing or unlikely to cause disagreement

非論争的な, 議論を引き起こさない

非論争的な, 議論を引き起こさない

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used to add another negative statement related to the previous one

も, または

も, または

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of course

used to give permission or express agreement

もちろん, 当然

もちろん, 当然

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said to show that we are agreeing to do something or we agree with something

わかった, OK

わかった, OK

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the state of feeling a unity with someone or something

一体感, 統一感

一体感, 統一感

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on one's side

agreeing with someone or supporting them in an argument, plan, etc.

on the same page

in complete agreement with someone

out of tune

not in agreement with someone or something
