
確信と疑い - 確実性と自信










Words Related to Certainty and Doubt
to have something in one's pocket

to definitely succeed or win at a particular thing

in the bag

used to convey that something is guaranteed to be accomplished


bound to happen in a way that is impossible to avoid or prevent

避けられない, 必然的な

避けられない, 必然的な

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in a way that cannot be stopped or avoided, and certainly happens

避けられずに, 必然的に

避けられずに, 必然的に

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to know

to be completely certain about something

知っている, 確信する

知っている, 確信する

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to make certain (that)

to check something in order to find out whether it happens or is the case

to make certain of something

to do something just to make sure that something else will occur

to make sure

to take steps to confirm if something is correct, safe, or properly arranged

no contest

used to emphasize that it is obvious who will win a competition, comparison, etc. as the odds are undeniably uneven

no two ways about it

used to say that something is undoubtedly true and there are no other alternatives or interpretations concerning it

no way

used to emphasize that under no circumstances would one do something or something would happen


(of a person) having no doubt about something

確信している, 自信のある

確信している, 自信のある

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to put one's money on

*** to feel very sure that something is true or that somebody will succeed


displaying forcefulness and determination

力強い, 決然とした

力強い, 決然とした

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in a way that is strong, sturdy, or capable of withstanding force or pressure

頑丈に, 強力に

頑丈に, 強力に

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the quality of having determination and strength

頑強さ, 強さ

頑強さ, 強さ

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slam dunk

something that is sure to happen

確実な成功, 間違いない成果

確実な成功, 間違いない成果

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to stare somebody in the face

to be imminent or unavoidable

to set somebody straight

to make sure everything is clearly understood by someone and there are no misunderstandings


feeling confident about something being correct or true

確信している, 確かな

確信している, 確かな

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bound to succeed or happen as expected

確実な, 成功する

確実な, 成功する

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in a manner showing absolute confidence in the statement

確かに, 間違いなく

確かに, 間違いなく

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to swear by

to be certain that something is good or useful

を信じる, を保証する

を信じる, を保証する

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to take it for granted

to assume without question that something is true

there is no way

used to deny the possibility of something happening

the dust settle

to allow or wait for a situation to become calmer or more stable after a significant change or serious dispute


according to reality or facts

真の, 実際の

真の, 実際の

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the true principles or facts about something, in contrast to what is imagined or thought

真実, 事実

真実, 事実

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clearly true and therefore impossible to deny or question

否定できない, 明白な

否定できない, 明白な

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in a way that is definite and cannot be rejected or questioned

疑いなく, 間違いなく

疑いなく, 間違いなく

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without doubt

used to emphasize an opinion or the point one is making

疑いなく, 間違いなく

疑いなく, 間違いなく

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you bet

used to show that someone has made a good suggestion or guess

もちろん!, 賭けるよ!

もちろん!, 賭けるよ!

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