
지식과 지혜 - 실수로부터 배우기

"현자는 다른 사람의 해로움을 통해 배운다", "한 번 물면 두 번 부끄러워한다"와 같은 영어 속담이 실수로부터 배우는 것을 영어로 어떻게 표현하는지 알아보세요.







학습 시작
Knowledge & Wisdom
failure teaches you more than success

used to suggest that failures and setbacks offer opportunities for learning and growth that are often more valuable than those presented by success

실패는 성공보다 더 많은 것을 가르쳐준다

실패는 성공보다 더 많은 것을 가르쳐준다

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wise men learn by other's harm

used to imply that wise individuals can learn from the mistakes of others and avoid similar situations, rather than experiencing the negative consequences themselves

현명한 사람은 남의 해로움을 통해 배운다

현명한 사람은 남의 해로움을 통해 배운다

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fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

used to imply that it is important to learn from one's mistakes and to be cautious and skeptical when dealing with people or situations that have previously caused harm or disappointment

나를 한 번 속이고 부끄러워하세요. 나를 두 번 속여라, 부끄럽다

나를 한 번 속이고 부끄러워하세요. 나를 두 번 속여라, 부끄럽다

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the past is a guidepost, not a hitching post

used to emphasize the importance of learning from the past without being weighed down by it, and of using our experiences to create a better future

과거는 걸림돌이 아니라 이정표이다

과거는 걸림돌이 아니라 이정표이다

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it is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait

used to imply that it is foolish to fall for the same trick or deception twice, emphasizing the importance of learning from past mistakes to avoid being fooled again

once bitten, twice shy

used for saying that after experiencing a negative or painful event, individuals become more cautious and wary in similar situations

live and learn

used to imply that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, and that one should not be discouraged by failure but instead use it as an opportunity for growth and improvement

살고 배우다

살고 배우다

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