
지식과 지혜 - 서적

"책은 금으로 된 집을 담고 있다", "위대한 책은 큰 악이다"와 같은 책과 관련된 영어 속담을 마스터하세요.







학습 시작
Knowledge & Wisdom
a book holds a house of gold

used to emphasize the great worth of books, indicating that they contain a vast amount of valuable knowledge and insights that can significantly improve a person's life

책은 금으로 된 집을 담고 있다

책은 금으로 된 집을 담고 있다

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a book is like a garden carried in the pocket

used to suggest that books can transport readers to new places, introduce them to new ideas and perspectives, and provide a sense of wonder and delight

책은 주머니 속에 가지고 다니는 정원과 같다

책은 주머니 속에 가지고 다니는 정원과 같다

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a book, tight shut, is but a block of papers

used to suggest that the true value of a book lies in the knowledge and ideas it contains, and that a book that is not read is essentially useless, no matter how impressive it may appear

꽉 닫혀 있는 책은 종이뭉치에 불과하다

꽉 닫혀 있는 책은 종이뭉치에 불과하다

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a donkey that carries a lot of books is not necessarily learned

used to suggest that just because someone possesses or carries a large number of books does not automatically make them knowledgeable or educated

많은 책을 나르는 당나귀는 반드시 배운 것이 아니다

많은 책을 나르는 당나귀는 반드시 배운 것이 아니다

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a great book is a great evil

used to imply that a great book, although valuable in terms of knowledge, can also have negative consequences when its ideas are misused or promote harmful ideologies

위대한 책은 큰 악이다

위대한 책은 큰 악이다

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a man is happy when he has books, but happier still when he does not need them

used to imply that true happiness does not comes from owning books, but from internalizing and applying the lessons learned from books, allowing one to live without depending on them

사람은 책이 있으면 행복하지만, 책이 필요하지 않을 때는 더욱 행복하다

사람은 책이 있으면 행복하지만, 책이 필요하지 않을 때는 더욱 행복하다

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after three days without reading, talk becomes flavorless

used to suggest that a lack of reading leads to a decrease in one's ability to engage in interesting and meaningful conversations

3일 동안 읽지 않으면 이야기가 맛없어진다

3일 동안 읽지 않으면 이야기가 맛없어진다

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beware of a man of one book

used to suggests that one should be cautious of people who base their entire worldview or beliefs on a single source of information, as they may be closed-minded and resistant to new ideas or information

한 권의 책을 읽는 사람을 조심하세요

한 권의 책을 읽는 사람을 조심하세요

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choose an author as you choose a friend

used to advise being selective in reading choices as books and authors, like friends, can have a significant impact on one's life and personal growth

every book must be chewed to get out its juice

used to suggest that in order to fully understand and benefit from a book, one must read it carefully and thoughtfully, and also take the time to reflect on its content

모든 책은 즙을 빼내려면 씹어야 한다

모든 책은 즙을 빼내려면 씹어야 한다

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reading books removes sorrow from the heart

used to highlight the therapeutic and uplifting effect of reading on one's emotions

책을 읽으면 마음의 슬픔이 사라진다

책을 읽으면 마음의 슬픔이 사라진다

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there’s no (greater) thief like a bad book

used to suggest that a bad book has the potential to take away a person's values, morals, and time, and could potentially harm or damage them

나쁜 책보다 더 큰 도둑은 없습니다

나쁜 책보다 더 큰 도둑은 없습니다

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unread books make hollow minds

used to suggest that neglecting to read and acquire knowledge can lead to a lack of substance and depth in a person's mind

읽지 않은 책은 공허한 마음을 만든다

읽지 않은 책은 공허한 마음을 만든다

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when you read a book for the first time, you get to know a friend, read it for a second time and you will meet an old friend

used to suggest that re-reading a book can reveal new insights and perspectives, and deepen one's understanding of the story and characters

책을 처음 읽으면 친구를 알게 되고, 두 번째 읽으면 옛 친구를 만나게 됩니다.

책을 처음 읽으면 친구를 알게 되고, 두 번째 읽으면 옛 친구를 만나게 됩니다.

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books and friends should be few but good

used to imply that having a small number of high-quality books and trustworthy friends is more valuable than having many casual or unreliable ones

책과 친구는 적지만 좋아야 한다

책과 친구는 적지만 좋아야 한다

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a book is a good friend when it lays bare the errors of the past

used to imply that books can be valuable companions when they reveal lessons learned from the past, allowing readers to gain knowledge and avoid making the same mistakes

책은 과거의 잘못을 폭로할 때 좋은 친구가 된다

책은 과거의 잘못을 폭로할 때 좋은 친구가 된다

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teachers die, but (it's) books (that) live on

used to imply that the knowledge and wisdom contained in books can have a lasting impact, even after the author or teacher has passed away

선생님은 죽지만 책은 살아남는다

선생님은 죽지만 책은 살아남는다

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if your books are not read, your descendants will be ignorant

used to highlights the importance of passing down knowledge through reading and education to prevent future generations from being deprived of valuable information

당신의 책을 읽지 않으면 당신의 후손은 무지할 것입니다

당신의 책을 읽지 않으면 당신의 후손은 무지할 것입니다

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a drop of ink may make a million think

used to imply that a single piece of writing no matter how small, has the potential to inspire or influence a large number of people to think, reflect, or take action

잉크 한 방울로 백만 명이 생각하게 될 수도 있다

잉크 한 방울로 백만 명이 생각하게 될 수도 있다

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it is better to be without a book than to believe a book entirely

used to imply that it is important to approach information critically and thoughtfully, rather than accepting everything in a book without questioning its accuracy

책을 완전히 믿는 것보다 책 없이 지내는 것이 더 낫다

책을 완전히 믿는 것보다 책 없이 지내는 것이 더 낫다

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scholars talk books, butchers talk pigs

used to imply that individuals with different backgrounds, professions, interests, or experiences will have different areas of knowledge or expertise, and so, will talk about different things

학자는 책에 대해 이야기하고, 정육점 주인은 돼지에 대해 이야기합니다.

학자는 책에 대해 이야기하고, 정육점 주인은 돼지에 대해 이야기합니다.

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