
지식과 지혜 - 경고를 주는 것

"당신이 끌 수 없는 불을 피우지 말라"와 "미리 경고하는 것이 미리 무장되어 있다"를 포함하여 경고를 주는 것을 묘사하는 영어 속담을 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
Knowledge & Wisdom
beware of a silent dog and still water

used to suggest that it is important to be wary of situations that appear calm and quiet on the surface, as they may conceal hidden dangers or threats

조용한 개와 잔잔한 물을 조심하세요

조용한 개와 잔잔한 물을 조심하세요

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forewarned is forearmed

used to imply that being informed or aware of a potential danger or problem in advance allows one to be better prepared to deal with it

미리 경고하다

미리 경고하다

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not near the water until you learn how to swim

used to emphasize that it is important to be prepared and have the necessary skills before engaging in a potentially dangerous or risky activity

수영하는 법을 배우기 전까지는 물 근처에 가지 마세요

수영하는 법을 배우기 전까지는 물 근처에 가지 마세요

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beware of the young doctor and the old barber

used to suggest that it is important to be aware of potential risks or shortcomings when dealing with individuals who may lack experience or who may be past their prime

젊은 의사와 늙은 이발사를 조심하세요

젊은 의사와 늙은 이발사를 조심하세요

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(one shall) drive gently over the stones

used to suggest that it is important to be cautious and gentle in one's approach, particularly in situations where there may be potential obstacles or challenges

돌 위로 부드럽게 운전해야합니다

돌 위로 부드럽게 운전해야합니다

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it is all fun and games until someone loses an eye

used to suggest that even if a situation may seem harmless or amusing, it is important to take proper precautions and be mindful of potential risks or dangers to prevent serious harm or injury

누군가 눈을 잃기 전까지는 모든 것이 재미 있고 게임입니다.

누군가 눈을 잃기 전까지는 모든 것이 재미 있고 게임입니다.

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to beware of (the) Greeks bearing gifts

used to advise people to be cautious of accepting gifts from those who may have ulterior motives or hidden intentions, especially when the gift giver may be an adversary or enemy

그리스인들이 선물을 가지고 있는 것을 조심하세요

그리스인들이 선물을 가지고 있는 것을 조심하세요

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(be) careful what you wish for

used to warn people to think carefully about their desires, as the things they wish for may have unforeseen and unintended consequences

당신이 원하는 것을 조심하세요

당신이 원하는 것을 조심하세요

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he who sups with the devil should have a long spoon

used to imply that when dealing with morally corrupt or untrustworthy individuals, one should be cautious and take measures to protect oneself from potential harm or negative consequences

악마와 저녁식사를 하는 사람은 긴 숟가락을 가져야 한다

악마와 저녁식사를 하는 사람은 긴 숟가락을 가져야 한다

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kindle not a fire you cannot put out

used to suggest that it is important to take precautions and avoid situations that may quickly become out of control or difficult to manage

not test the depth of water with both feet

used to suggest that one should be cautious and take measured steps when approaching a new or unfamiliar situation

두 발로 물의 깊이를 시험하지 말라

두 발로 물의 깊이를 시험하지 말라

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