추상적인 인간 속성의 형용사 - 부정적인 개인 특성의 형용사
이 형용사는 "부정직하다", "거만하다", "게으르다" 등과 같은 특성을 반영하여 개인의 바람직하지 않은 자질이나 행동을 설명합니다.
overly satisfied or content with one's current situation or achievements, often to the point of neglecting potential risks or improvements

자기만족적인, 자만한

showing a proud, unpleasant attitude toward others and having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

거만한, 오만한

not fully developed mentally or emotionally, often resulting in behaviors or reactions that are childish

미숙한, 유치한

having a distrustful or negative outlook, often believing that people are motivated by self-interest

냉소적인, 회의적인

having or showing a negative view of the future and always waiting for something bad to happen

비관적인, 부정적인

having an excessive interest in oneself, often accompanied by a lack of empathy for others

자기애적인, 이기적인

unreasonably scared of other people or thinking that they are trying to cause harm

편집증의, 파라노이드

supporting traditional values and beliefs and not willing to accept any contradictory change

보수적인, 보수주의의

displaying excessive attachment or control over people or things they consider their own

소유적인, 점유의

neglecting one's duties or obligations, often causing harm or inconvenience to others

무책임한, 부주의한

having an abnormal, unpredictable, or dangerous behavior, often posing a threat to the safety of humans or other animals

비정상적인, 불량한

showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for the feelings or suffering of others

무심한, 냉혹한

having an overly high opinion of oneself, often accompanied by a sense of superiority or arrogance

자랑스러운, 거만한