the activity or sport in which individuals jump from a flying aircraft and do special moves while falling before opening their parachute at a specified distance to land on the ground

스카이다이빙, 낙하산 스포츠

the practice of falling or jumping off height to float in the air using a parachute as a sport or hobby


the practice of performing precise and intricate maneuvers with an aircraft

항공 아크로바틱, 아크로바틱

a competitive sport where airplanes or other aerial vehicles race against each other

항공 레이싱

the sport of racing or cruising across land in a wheeled vehicle powered by wind

육상 세일링, 땅에서 항해하기

the sport or activity of flying lightweight, small aircraft, typically with a single-seat

마이크로라이트 비행, 초경량 비행

the sport of gliding through the air using a specialized jumpsuit with fabric wings

윙수트 비행, 윙수트 플라잉

to begin flight by taking off from the ground, typically using wind or mechanical assistance

발사하다, 이륙하다

the practice of flying a glider or sailplane using naturally occurring air currents

글라이더 비행, 공중 부양

the specific skills and maneuvers used during skydiving or other air sports involving unpowered descent

자유 낙하 기술, 자유 낙하 방법

the technique in wingsuit flying where a flyer controls their forward speed and descent rate to maintain a specific flight path

추적, 트래킹