건강과 질병 - Disability
여기서는 "dyslexia", "impairment", "epilepsy" 등 장애와 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
a rare neurological condition in which a person is unable to move or speak, but retains full awareness and mental alertness
락드인 증후군
a complex developmental disorder stigmatized by persistent challenges with social communication and interaction or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior
자폐 스펙트럼 장애
a physical or mental condition that prevents a person from using some part of their body completely or learning something easily
a congenital condition where the neural tube, which forms the spinal cord and backbone, does not close properly during fetal development
a neurological disorder affecting movement and coordination due to brain damage during pregnancy, childbirth, or early childhood
a central nervous system disorder that causes sudden, unprovoked, and recurrent seizures
meaningless repetition or echoing of vocalizations made by another person, as a result of mental disorder
a condition where an individual lacks the ability to visualize or mentally create images in their mind's eye
a specific neurobiological disorder marked by difficulty reading and spelling in individuals with otherwise unaffected intelligence
a genetic condition resulting in shorter stature than average, often caused by a variety of genetic and medical factors
a state or condition in which a part of one's body or brain does not work properly
a disorder that affects the ability to comprehend or process information, particularly when not associated with physical disability
학습 장애
a type of paralysis that affects the legs and the lower body as the result of spinal cord damage
하반신 마비
the condition of being incapable of clearly seeing objects that are near to one