
Boek Total English - Gevorderd - Unit 4 - Les 2

Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Unit 4 - Les 2 in het Total English Advanced-cursusboek, zoals "snow under", "crop up", "fall through", etc.









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Total English - Advanced
at a loose end

used to describe someone who has no plans or obligations, often feeling uncertain about how to spend their time

aan een los eind

aan een los eind

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to snow under

to overwhelm someone or something with an excessive amount of work, tasks, requests, or messages, often causing a feeling of being stressed

to line up

to stand in a line or row extending in a single direction

in de rij staan

in de rij staan

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tied up

occupied or unavailable due to being busy, engaged, or involved in some activity or task



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[bijvoeglijk naamwoord]
to fall through

(of a deal, plan, arrangement, etc.) to fail to happen or be completed

to go ahead

to initiate an action or task, particularly when someone has granted permission or in spite of doubts or opposition

iets beginnen te doen

iets beginnen te doen

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to get out of

to escape a responsibility

to call off

to cancel what has been planned

iets annuleren

iets annuleren

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to wind down

to relax after a period of stress or excitement, often by engaging in soothing activities

to crop up

to appear or arise unexpectedly, often referring to a problem, issue, or situation that was not previously anticipated or planned for

to put one's foot up

to elevate one's foot in order to rest or relax

zet je voet omhoog

zet je voet omhoog

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