Algemene Training IELTS (Band 8 en Hoger) - Rampen
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met Disasters en die nodig zijn voor het General Training IELTS-examen.
an event causing great and often sudden damage, distress, or destruction

calamiteit, ramp

a sudden, violent natural disaster that drastically alters the earth's landscape

cataclysme, natuurramp

action that breeds severe damage or destruction

verwoesting, vernietiging

an extremely intense and destructive fire

conflaginatie, verwoestende brand

a smaller earthquake or tremor that follows the main shock of a seismic event

naverschijnsel, naschok

an earthquake caused by underground movement or volcanic activity

trilling, aardbeving

the act of saving or rescuing a ship or its cargo from loss, damage, or destruction

redding, recuperatie

the point on the surface of the earth vertically above the focus of an earthquake where its effects are felt most strongly
