Essentiële Woordenschat voor de SAT-Examens - Clausule-connectoren
Hier leer je enkele Engelse zinsverbinders, zoals "alternatief", "in plaats van", "thereby", etc. die je nodig hebt om je SAT's te halen.
used to indicate that despite a previous statement or situation, something else remains true

desondanks, echter

used to highlight the differences between two or more things or people

in contrast, terwijl

used to indicate that despite a certain fact or situation mentioned in the first clause, the second clause follows

hoewel, ook al

in replacement of something that is typically expected or required

in plaats van, in ruil voor

at the starting point of a major development or change

op de rand van, aan de vooravond van

used to introduce a comparison between two or more things, highlighting differences or disparities between them

daarentegen, in tegenstelling

used to introduce a contrasting aspect of a situation, especially when comparing it to a previous point

aan de andere kant, anderzijds

used to indicate that something follows as a result or outcome of a preceding event or action

als gevolg, ten gevolge van

used to indicate the outcome of a preceding action or situation

als gevolg daarvan, daarom

used to introduce a result based on the information or actions that came before

dus, derhalve

used to introduce the second point, reason, step, etc.

Ten tweede, In de tweede plaats

used to introduce the last event or item in a series of related things

uiteindelijk, tot slot

at a time following the current or mentioned moment, without specifying exactly when

later, daarna

used to provide a specific situation or instance that helps to clarify or explain a point being made
used to introduce an example of something mentioned

bijvoorbeeld, ter illustratie

used to draw a parallel between two related ideas or actions

op dezelfde manier, evenzo

in a manner that is gradually growing in degree, extent, or frequency over time

steeds meer, toenemend

used to provide an alternative or clearer way of expressing the same idea

met andere woorden, dat wil zeggen

used to indicate a logical consequence based on the circumstances or information provided

vervolgens, dientengevolge

used to indicate how something is achieved or the result of an action

daardoor, en zo

used to highlight differences or similarities when comparing two or more things or people

in vergelijking, ten opzichte van

used when introducing additional information to a statement that has just been made

evenzo, evenals

used to provide a brief and straightforward explanation of the main points or ideas

samenvattend, in het kort

in a sequential manner, referring to actions or events occurring in a specific order

om beurten, achtereenvolgens