
Książka English File - Średnio zaawansowany - Lekcja 3A

Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z lekcji 3A z podręcznika English File Intermediate, takie jak „autostrada”, „prom”, „metro” itp.









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English File - Intermediate

a large, heavy motor vehicle designed for transporting goods or materials over long distances

ciężarówka, samochód ciężarowy

ciężarówka, samochód ciężarowy

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a light vehicle that has two wheels and is powered by an engine

motocykl, motor

motocykl, motor

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a very wide road that has no intersections or cross-traffic and is designed for high-speed travel

autostrada, droga ekspresowa

autostrada, droga ekspresowa

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a light motor vehicle with a floorboard on which the rider puts their legs, and with wheels of usually small size

skuter, moped

skuter, moped

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a vehicle that is powered by electricity and moves on rails in a street, used for transporting passengers

tramwaj, trojehus

tramwaj, trojehus

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a city's railway system that is below the ground, usually in big cities

metro, kolej podziemna

metro, kolej podziemna

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a big vehicle without back windows, smaller than a truck, used for carrying people or things

furgonetka, minibus

furgonetka, minibus

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seat belt

a belt in cars, airplanes, or helicopters that a passenger fastens around themselves to prevent serious injury in case of an accident

pas bezpieczeństwa

pas bezpieczeństwa

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a system or method for carrying people or goods from a place to another by trains, cars, etc.

transport, system transportowy

transport, system transportowy

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a bus with comfortable seats that carries many passengers, used for long journeys

autobus, autokar

autobus, autokar

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a boat or ship used to transport passengers and sometimes vehicles, usually across a body of water

prom, ferry

prom, ferry

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speed camera

a device that photographs one's vehicle if one exceeds the speed limit

fotoradar, kamera prędkości

fotoradar, kamera prędkości

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car crash

a situation where a car collides with something, such as another vehicle or other object

wypadek samochodowy, kolizja samochodowa

wypadek samochodowy, kolizja samochodowa

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zebra crossing

an area on a road that is marked with wide white lines, where vehicles must stop so people could walk across the road safely

pas zielony, przejście dla pieszych

pas zielony, przejście dla pieszych

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rush hour

a time of day at which traffic is the heaviest because people are leaving for work or home

godzina szczytu, godziny szczytu

godzina szczytu, godziny szczytu

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traffic jam

a large number of bikes, cars, buses, etc. that are waiting in lines behind each other which move very slowly

kork, zator

kork, zator

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parking fine

a sum of money one needs to pay as punishment for parking one's vehicle at a place that parking is illegal

mandat parkingowy, kara za parkowanie

mandat parkingowy, kara za parkowanie

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cycle lane

a section of a road specially marked and separated for people who are riding bicycles

ścieżka rowerowa, pas rowerowy

ścieżka rowerowa, pas rowerowy

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traffic lights

a set of lights, often colored in red, yellow, and green, that control the traffic on a road

sygnalizatory świetlne, światła drogowe

sygnalizatory świetlne, światła drogowe

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speed limit

the most speed that a vehicle is legally allowed to have in specific areas, roads, or conditions

ograniczenie prędkości, maksymalna dozwolona prędkość

ograniczenie prędkości, maksymalna dozwolona prędkość

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taxi station

an area where taxis park and wait until someone orders a taxi

dworzec taksówek, postój taksówek

dworzec taksówek, postój taksówek

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taxi rank

an area where taxis stand in a line to pick up passengers

postój taksówek, stojak taksówki

postój taksówek, stojak taksówki

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road works

the work that is done to build or repair a road

roboty drogowe, prace budowlane na drodze

roboty drogowe, prace budowlane na drodze

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petrol zone

a place where people can buy fuel for their vehicles

strefa paliwowa, stacja paliw

strefa paliwowa, stacja paliw

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to run off

to leave somewhere with something that one does not own

uciec z, odbiec z

uciec z, odbiec z

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to pick up

to take and lift something or someone up

podnieść, wziąć

podnieść, wziąć

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