Książka Total English - Początkujący - Jednostka 8 - Lekcja 2
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Rozdziału 8 – Lekcji 2 z podręcznika Total English Starter, takie jak „pamiętaj”, „nieszczęśliwy”, „rok” itp.
to bring a type of information from the past to our mind again

pamiętać, przypominać

the school for young people, usually between the ages of 11 to 16 or 18 in the UK

szkoła średnia, liceum

the time of day that is between when the sun starts to rise and the middle of the day at twelve o'clock

rano, poranek

the time of day that is between twelve o'clock and the time that the sun starts to set


the time of day that is between the time that the sun starts to set and when the sky becomes completely dark

wieczór, późny wieczór

each of the twelve named divisions of the year, like January, February, etc.
