Przymiotniki Przyczyny i Skutku - Przymiotniki pojemności
Przymiotniki te odnoszą się do zdolności i zdolności osoby lub przedmiotu do wykonania działania lub doprowadzenia do określonego rezultatu.
capable of being erased from the mind
zapomniany, nieistotny
so memorable that being forgotten is impossible
niezapomniany, pamiętny
capable of being avoided or stopped from happening
zapobiegawczy, możliwy do uniknięcia
capable of being prevented or evaded through cautionary actions or decisions
do uniknięcia, zapobiegalny
unable to be prevented or escaped
nieunikniony, nieuchronny
capable of being expanded or adjusted to accommodate growth or changes in demand
skalowalny, rozwijalny
more desirable or favored compared to other options
preferowany, bardziej pożądany
not able to be obtained, reached, or used, typically because it is not ready, not present, or being used by someone else
niedostępny, nieosiągalny
not able to be reached or entered, usually due to obstacles or restrictions
having the ability to work with different devices, machines, etc.
kompatybilny, zgodny
capable of being legally passed from one owner to another
przenośny, możliwy do przeniesienia
capable of being recognized or distinguished
identyfikowalny, rozpoznawalny
so intense or significant that something feels almost physical
namacalny, oczywisty
incapable of being touched or physically grasped
niematerialny, niedostrzegalny
having the ability to be undone or corrected
odwracalny, anulowany
unable to be undone, changed, or corrected once something has occurred
able to be managed or directed to achieve a desired outcome
kontrolowalny, zarządzalny
difficult to manage, often leading to challenges or problems
niekontrolowany, niemożliwy do opanowania
suitable for publication because of lacking content that is morally or legally objectionable
do publikacji, do druku
difficult to manage, control, or resolve
trudny do zarządzania, uparty
subject to being taxed by the government
opodatkowany, podlegający opodatkowaniu
able to be legally upheld or made effective according to established rules
wykonać, egzekwować
relevant to someone or something in a particular context or situation
zastosowalny, dotyczący
capable of being modified or tailored to meet specific preferences or requirements
personalizowany, konfigurowalny
capable of being easily looked up or found, especially in digital formats like databases or websites
możliwy do przeszukania, łatwy do znalezienia
capable of being easily activated or selected by clicking
klikalny, wybieralny
capable of being customized or set up to perform specific tasks or operations according to user instructions
programowalny, konfigurowalny
capable of being shared or easily distributed among individuals or groups
do udostępnienia, łatwy do rozprowadzenia