Lista Słówek Poziomu C2 - Hobby i rutyna
Tutaj nauczysz się wszystkich niezbędnych słów potrzebnych do rozmów o hobby i rutynach, zebranych specjalnie dla uczniów na poziomie C2.
the activity of acting in or producing a play in a theater as a hobby and not a profession
teatr społeczny, teatr amatorski
a person who fishes with a rod and line as a hobby
wędkarz, rybak
a person who pursues birdwatching as a hobby
ornitolog, obserwator ptaków
someone who engages in activities for personal enjoyment rather than as a profession
hobbysta, amator
the process of artfully constructing something by means of different objects that are easily accessible
a hobby pursued alongside one's main occupation, typically for enjoyment
hobby, poboczne zajęcie
the activity of sewing decorative patterns onto a piece of clothing
the art or process of carving an artistic shape or pattern on a hard material
grawerunek, rysunek
the activity or art of decorating trees or bushes by trimming them down into various designs
topiaria, sztuka topiaru
the craft of creating fabric using yarn and a crochet hook
szydełkowanie, sztuka szydełkowania
the activity of walking across the countryside for fun
wędrówka, spacer
the skills that are needed for surviving outdoors, particularly in the wilderness
umiejętności terenowe, techniki przetrwania
a set of instructions given to someone regarding what they should eat or do to maintain or restore their health
reżim, plan dietetyczny
a person who has an interest in a particular subject but lacks determination or knowledge on the matter
dilettant, amator
a person who collects and studies postage stamps
someone who collects, studies, or deals with coins, currency, and related items, often as a hobby or profession
a form of metalwork that specifically focuses on the creation of objects from silver, such as jewelry, flatware, and decorative items
srebrzystwo, praca ze srebrem
a person who specializes in the art and craft of cutting, shaping, and polishing gemstones, minerals, and rocks into decorative objects
a person who loves books, especially as physical objects, and collects them
bibliofil, miłośnik książek
a lover of learning or a devotee to the pursuit of knowledge in various fields
filomata, miłośnik wiedzy