Acadêmico IELTS (Banda 8 ou Acima) - Music
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas à música que são necessárias para o exame acadêmico IELTS.
the persistence of sound in an enclosed space after the original sound source has stopped


an additional or repeated piece that is performed at the end of a concert, because the audience has asked for it

bis, encore

a musical technique where the notes of a chord are played individually in a sequence rather than simultaneously

arpejo, arpeggio

the quality that marks the absence of a key in a musical composition

atonalidade, ausência de tonalidade

a musical technique that consists of mixing two or more separate melodies into one harmony

contraponto, contraponto musical

an unusual combination of musical notes that sound strange when played

disonância, desacordo

the text of a musical play, an opera, or other extended vocal works

libreto, texto da ópera

a particular way in which a musical piece or a dramatic role is represented or interpreted

interpretação, execução

all of the records or a list of the records that have been created by a particular singer, composer or musical band


a set of musical pieces or songs listed in the same order in which they appear on a recording

lista de faixas, listagem musical

a person whose job is to introduce and play music videos on TV, at a party, etc.

video jockey, apresentador de videoclipes

a solo section at the end of a musical piece for the performer to show their skill and creativity

cadenza, parte solo

a musical composition in moderate triple time, popular in the baroque era


an instrumental composition marked with irregular form and improvisation, expressing strong emotions


a stock of plays, songs, dances, etc. that a company or a performer is prepared to perform

repertório, catálogo

the part in harmonic music or the voice with the highest pitch that belongs to a boy or female vocalist

soprano, voz aguda

the interval between the first and the last notes in eight diatonic degrees


any of the signs written on the left-hand end of a staff indicating the pitch of the notes

clave de sol, clave

a music recording that contains more tracks than a single but fewer tracks than a full album

EP (extended play), gravação estendida

a person who is an expert or master in conducting or directing an orchestra or musical performance

maestro, diretor

the process of changing the style or form by a musician in order to appeal to a wider range of people

crossover, mudança