Verbos de Ação Manual - Verbos para decoração
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes à decoração como "adorn", "embellish" e "frame".
to add beautiful things to something in order to make it look more attractive

decorar, enfeitar

to make something more beautiful by decorating it with attractive elements

adornar, embelezar

to improve the appearance of something by adding things such as decorative pieces, colors, etc. to it

embelezar, decorar

to add decorative items to something in order to make it look more attractive

ornamentar, decorar

to decorate with a wreath or string of flowers, leaves, or other materials

garlandear, enfeitar

to decorate lavishly, often with various ornaments or embellishments

decorar, enfeitar

to decorate with ornaments or neatly gathered fabric that create waves

decorar, frufruar

to decorate or arrange something, typically a place, in a particular way

decorar, organizar

to make a room or building look more attractive by repairing, redecorating, or cleaning it

renovar, reformar