Verbos de Processos Mentais - Verbos para memória e atenção
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes à memória e atenção, como "lembrar", "esquecer" e "concentrar-se".
to bring a type of information from the past to our mind again
lembrar, recordar
to experience again, especially in one's thoughts or imagination, as if the event is happening anew
reviver, relatar novamente
to remember past events, experiences, or memories with a sense of nostalgia
lembrar, evocar
to repeat something until it is kept in one's memory
memorizar, decorar
to think about events or experiences from the past
lembrar, pensar em
to think about or consider past events, experiences, or decisions
olhar para trás, refletir sobre
to not be able to remember something or someone from the past
esquecer, não lembrar
to pay full attention to someone or something specific
focar, concentrar-se
to focus one's all attention on something specific
concentrar-se, focar
to focus, narrow down, or direct attention with precision on a specific target, topic, or goal
concentrar-se em, afinar a atenção em
to concentrate closely on a particular matter
concentrar-se em, focar em
to actively pay attention and observe in order to notice any changes or developments
observar, assistir atentamente
to cause someone to lose their focus or attention from something they were doing or thinking about
distraire, desviar