Verbos de Processos Mentais - Verbos para cometer erros
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes a cometer erros como "err", "slip up" e "blunder".
to be at fault or make mistakes, especially in one's thinking, judgment, or actions

errar, equivocar-se

to commit an embarrassing and serious mistake out of carelessness or stupidity

cometer um erro, errar

to fail to recognize a person or thing properly by assuming that they are another person or thing

confundir, misturar

to form an incorrect opinion or assessment about someone or something

julgar mal, avaliar incorretamente

to be deceived or tricked by someone or something

cair na armadilha, deixar-se enganar por

to fail to understand the full or true meaning, intention, or scope of a situation, idea, or statement

malcompreender, interpretar erroneamente

to have an incorrect understanding or idea about something

mal interpretar, conceber erroneamente

to fail to understand something or someone correctly

malinterpretar, compreender mal