Cartea Total English - Avansat - Unitatea 3 - Lecția 2
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 3 - Lecția 2 din manualul de curs Total English Advanced, precum „maverick”, „avid”, „depict”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
(of a book or other product) sold in large quantities because of gaining significant popularity among people
![cel mai vândut, bestseller](
cel mai vândut, bestseller
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causing powerful emotions of sympathy or sorrow
![foarte emoționant, atât de emoționant](
foarte emoționant, atât de emoționant
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a person who loves reading books and often spends a lot of time reading
![cărăbuș de bibliotecă, iubitor de cărți](
cărăbuș de bibliotecă, iubitor de cărți
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existing or moving only in one direction or along a single line
![unidimensional, linear](
unidimensional, linear
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catching and keeping our attention because of being unusual, exciting, etc.
![interesant, atrăgător](
interesant, atrăgător
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actively participating or included in a particular activity, event, or situation
![implicat, angajat](
implicat, angajat
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worn or damaged by exposure to the elements, such as sun, wind, rain, or snow
![uzat de vreme, deteriorat de intemperii](
uzat de vreme, deteriorat de intemperii
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able to see far into the distance, often suggesting a keen or sharp vision
![vizionar, prevăzător](
vizionar, prevăzător
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a person who frequently engages in wild or reckless behavior, often in a way that is disruptive or damaging to themselves or others
![provocator, bulversator](
provocator, bulversator
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an individual who thinks and behaves differently and independently
![rebel, independent](
rebel, independent
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conscious of oneself as an individual, and of one's own thoughts, feelings, and actions
![conștient de sine, rușinat](
conștient de sine, rușinat
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quick to anger or become agitated, often reacting impulsively or without thinking things through
![coleric, iritabil](
coleric, iritabil
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(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks
![harnic, diligent](
harnic, diligent
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ready to accept or listen to different views and opinions
![minte deschisă, tolerant](
minte deschisă, tolerant
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forming one’s own ideas rather than accepting what is generally accepted
![gânditor liber, independent](
gânditor liber, independent
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describing someone who enjoys having fun, is lighthearted, and has an enthusiastic and playful nature
![care îi place distracția, jucăuș](
care îi place distracția, jucăuș
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focusing on one particular goal or purpose, and determined to achieve it
![concentrat, hotărât](
concentrat, hotărât
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capable of providing everything that one needs, particularly food, without any help from others
![autosuficient, independent](
autosuficient, independent
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not easily affected by criticism, insults or negative comments
![piele groasă, îngăduitor la critici](
piele groasă, îngăduitor la critici
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having a compassionate and caring nature, showing kindness and generosity toward others
![făcător de bine, generos](
făcător de bine, generos
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reserved, aloof, or distant in one's interactions with others, often conveying a sense of unfriendliness or coldness
![rezervat, distant](
rezervat, distant
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(of a person) prioritizing and focusing on their professional growth, development, and advancement, often with a strong dedication to their chosen career path
![orientat spre carieră, axat pe carieră](
orientat spre carieră, axat pe carieră
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