Adjective ale Atributelor Lucrurilor - Adjective de putere
Aceste adjective exprimă gradul de putere sau intensitate fizică, mentală sau emoțională asociată cu o anumită entitate, acțiune sau atribut.
Fișe de studiu
impossible or difficult to destroy or damage
indistructibil, neîntrecut
commanding great respect or fear due to having exceptional strength, excellence, or capabilities
formidabil, impresionant
not easily affected by external influences or forces
rezistent, impermeabil
having the ability to return to its original shape or position after being stretched or compressed
elastic, rezilient
not capable of being effectively hindered or stopped
neoprit, iresistibil
(often used in combination) operated by a specific type of energy or force
alimentat de, acționat de
having strength and good mental or physical health
viguros, energic
built in a way that does not let through any bullets or other projectiles
împotriva gloanțelor, rezistent la gloanțe
(of people or opinions) strong and demanding in manner or expression
puternic, ferm
not capable of being destroyed easily
indestructibil, neînvins
(used as a compound adjective or a suffix) capable of enduring a specific type of damage, condition, or test
rezistent la falsificare, antimanipulare
strengthened or reinforced to resist damage or enhance its qualities
fortificat, consolidat
having the ability to endure or withstand the impact or influence of external forces
rezistiv, rezistent