Phrasal Verbs Folosind 'Around', 'Over', & 'Along' - Cădere sau revărsare (Peste)
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to flow over the edges of a container because of too much boiling
a se revărsa, a fierbe
to spill over the edge of a container
a se vărsa, a depăși marginea
(of a liquid or substance) to boil and spill over the edges of its container
a deborda, a fierbe
to lose one's balance and fall to the ground, typically by accident or as a result of tripping
a cădea, a se împiedica
to cause someone or something to fall by applying force
împinge, răsturna
to exceed a brim, typically referring to a liquid or substance
a depăși, a se revărsa
(of a container) to be filled beyond its capacity, causing its contents to flow over the edges
a se revărsa, a vărsa
to lose balance and almost fall by accidentally colliding with an object while walking or running
a se împiedica de, a cădea peste
to cause an object to flip from its normal position
întoarce, răsturna