Aspect - Attractiveness
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte englezești legate de atractivitate, cum ar fi „sfâșietoare”, „exquisit” și „etereal”.
Fișe de studiu
exceptionally beautiful or splendid, often inspiring awe or admiration

glorios, splendid

incredibly impressive or beautiful, often leaving one feeling amazed

uimitor, deosebit

exceptionally impressive and beautiful, often bringing joy or admiration

splendid, minunat

delightful due to qualities of beauty, suitability, or perfection

exquisit, delicios

having aesthetic appeal, visual attractiveness, or creative beauty

artistic, estetic

indescribable or beyond words, often used to describe beauty or aesthetic experiences

inefabil, indescriptibil

impeccably beautiful or ideal in appearance, like a perfectly composed photograph

perfect din punct de vedere estetic, ideal în apariție

a famous person who is considered to be sexually attractive by many people

simbol sexual, icon sexual

someone or something that is visually attractive but may not have much substance or depth

bucurie vizuală, frumusețe superficială

having an attractive and irresistible quality that captivates others

seducător, atrăgător

attractive in appearance, particularly in terms of facial features or overall demeanor

atractiv, seducător

truly outstanding, remarkable, exceptional, or attractive

senzational, remarcabil

incredibly cute or charming, often causing feelings of affection, delight, or admiration

adorabil, fermecător

relating to the enjoyment or appreciation of beauty or art, especially visual art

estetic, referitor la estetică

improving or emphasizing someone's good features, making them appear more attractive

flatterer, benefic

stylish, attractive, and often associated with luxury or sophistication

glamouros, glamouroasă

strong, attractive, and captivating quality that draws attention and creates an allure

magnetic, atractiv

a person or an animal that is attractive in a sweet or adorable way

drăguț, adorabil