Educație - Verbe educaționale
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de verbe educaționale precum „teach”, „learn” și „mark down”.
Fișe de studiu
to give lessons to students in a university, college, school, etc.
a învăța, a preda
to teach a specific skill or a type of behavior to a person or an animal through a combination of instruction and practice over a period of time
antrena, învăța
to guide someone by providing information, training, or advice, helping them acquire new skills or understand a specific subject
instrui, învăța
to act as the supervisor or teacher of someone less experienced
a mentoriza, a fi mentor
to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner
a informa, a anunța
to teach someone, often within a school or university setting
educa, învăța
to become knowledgeable or skilled in something by doing it, studying, or being taught
a învăța, a dobândi cunoștințe
to spend time to learn about certain subjects by reading books, going to school, etc.
a studia, a învăța
to do or play something many times to become good at it
a practica, a exersa
to engage in intense and concentrated studying within a limited timeframe, typically right before an examination
învață pe ultima sută, studia rapid
to study intensively in preparation for an exam
a învăța intens, a studia cu sârguință
to repeat something until it is kept in one's memory
a memora, a reține
to copy intellectual material without permission or proper attribution
a copia, a plagia
to participate in a specific examination or assessment
susține, participa la
to take an exam again after an initial attempt, typically to improve one's score or performance
a repeta, a lua din nou
to get the necessary grades in an exam, test, course, etc.
promova, trece
to perform extremely well in something, especially a test
a excela, a reuși excelent
to fail in reaching the required standard to succeed in a test, course of study, etc.
a pica, a nu reuși
to lower a score or assessment given to someone in an exam, etc. due to errors or shortcomings
scădea nota, reduce evaluarea
to study a subject carefully and systematically to discover new facts or information about it
cerceta, studia
to examine something closely and carefully in order to find errors
a examina, a analiza cu atenție
to enter one's name in a list of an institute, school, etc.
a se înregistra, a se înscrie
to officially enroll or register as a student at a school, college, or university
a se matrícula, a se înscrie
to study a particular subject as one's main field of study at a college or university
a se specializa în, a studia ca domeniu principal
to give an official degree, title, right, etc. to someone
a conferi, a atribui
to deliberately absent oneself from a class or school activity without permission
a chiuli, a lipsi de la școală
to attend a class or course for personal enrichment or review without receiving academic credit
a audita, a urma cursul ca auditor