Vocabular Esențial pentru Examenul SAT - Status
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de statut, cum ar fi „echilibru”, „stagnant”, „corelate”, etc. de care veți avea nevoie pentru a vă îmbunătăți SAT-urile.
Fișe de studiu
a damaged or broken state of a building or other structure, because it has not been taken care of

degradare, deteriorare

the state of being isolated from other things or people, usually by choice

izolare, retragere

a state in which other people cannot watch or interrupt a person

intimitate, confidențialitate

a state of calm and peacefulness, free from stress, anxiety, or disturbance

serenitate, liniște

the quality of being fixed or steady and unlikely to change

stabilitate, firmează

the capacity to be maintained for a long time and causing no harm to the enviroment

sustenabilitate, durabilitate

a temporary suspension or halt of an ongoing activity, often imposed by an authority


a collection of tasks, orders, or materials that have not been completed or processed, requiring attention

întârziere, stoc de comenzi

a state of confusion or disorder characterized by a mixture of things that are not clearly organized or understood

deranj, confuzie

something or someone that attracts a lot of public attention or interest due to prominence, importance, or controversy

un eveniment de înalt profil, o situație de mare interes

a confused or complicated mass of things that are twisted or interwoven together

îndărătnicie, complicație

the conditions or factors that surround and influence a particular situation


to intentionally keep, maintain, or preserve something in its current state, resisting removal, elimination, or alteration

a păstra, a menține

to cause something to remain in its original state without any significant change

preserva, conserva

to be enough or adequate for a particular purpose or requirement

a fi suficient, a satisface

to be applicable, connected, or relevant to a particular subject, circumstance, or situation

a se referi la, a ține de

to exist together in the same location or period, without necessarily interacting

coexista, a trăi împreună

to remove the classification or status of secrecy from information, making it accessible to the public

declasifica, a face public

depending on each other and mutually reliant

interdependent, dependenți unul de altul

not in an active, developing, or operating state but can become so later on

dormant, inactiv

having achieved full status or maturity in a particular role or position

complet, plin

feeling calm and peaceful, without any disturbances or things that might be upsetting

liniștit, calm

having a poor condition, often because of being abandoned or neglected for a long time

abandonat, neglijat

making one feel sorry for someone or something that seems unworthy of respect or consideration

miserabil, jalnic

capable of providing everything that one needs, particularly food, without any help from others

autosuficient, independent