extremely valuable and essential, to the point that the true worth of something is immeasurable

ovärderlig, mycket värdefull

commanding great respect or fear due to having exceptional strength, excellence, or capabilities

fruktansvärd, imponerande

allowed or acceptable according to established rules or standards

tillåten, acceptabel

possessing the right to do or have something because of having the required qualifications

berättigad, kvalificerad

(of an illness or disease) capable of being successfully healed through medical treatment or therapy

botbar, kurabel

capable of being changed or replaced with something of the same kind

fungibel, utbytbar

(of a piece of writing) capable of being read or easily understood

lätthanterlig, läsbar

easily influenced or open to suggestion and reccomendation

suggererande, lätt påverkad

to continue speaking or writing in a lengthy, unfocused, or wandering manner without a clear or organized structure

svamla, prata omotiverat

to mix up, distort, or confuse information, typically in a way that makes it difficult to understand or use

förvränga, förväxla

to engage in water-related activities in a playful or casual manner

plaska, leka i vattnet