Allmän Träning IELTS (Band 6-7) - Att förändra och forma
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till Changing and Forming som är nödvändiga för den allmänna utbildningen IELTS-examen.
to transform from a liquid or flexible state into a stable, firm, or compact form

solidifiera, stelna

to convert a substance from a solid or liquid state into gas

vaporisera, omvandla till gas

to cause something to change into one or more crystals

krystalliseras, göra till kristall

to melt a material or object with intense heat in order to join it with something else

smälta, fusionera

to cause something or a group of things or people to divide into smaller parts or groups

dela, separera

to cause a profound change in the form, structure, or substance of something

metamorfosera, transformera

to change something's nature, appearance, or substance into something different and usually better

transmutera, förvandla

to change organic material into stone or a stone-like substance

förstenas, petrifiera

to make minor changes to something so that it is more suitable or better

modifiera, justera

to change or adjust something in order to achieve a desired effect

modulera, justera

to change something in a significant or fundamental way

revolutionera, transformera

to make something change from a particular state, condition or position to another

övergånga, förändra

to slightly alter or move something in order to improve it or make it work better

justera, anpassa

to reduce the thickness or height of something, making it less raised or elevated in its shape or form

platta, utjämna

to rub a surface with sandpaper or another abrasive material to smooth, shape, or remove imperfections

slipa, sandpapprar

to force or shape a material, often a plastic or metal, through a die or a mold to create a specific form

extrudera, pressa ut

to make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse or more severe

förvärra, förstärka