Γενική Εκπαίδευση IELTS (Επίπεδο 6-7) - Αλλαγή και Διαμόρφωση
Εδώ, θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις που σχετίζονται με το Changing and Forming που είναι απαραίτητες για τις εξετάσεις General Training IELTS.
to cause something or a group of things or people to divide into smaller parts or groups
to change something's nature, appearance, or substance into something different and usually better
to make something change from a particular state, condition or position to another
to reduce the thickness or height of something, making it less raised or elevated in its shape or form
to rub a surface with sandpaper or another abrasive material to smooth, shape, or remove imperfections
to force or shape a material, often a plastic or metal, through a die or a mold to create a specific form