Sammansatta Adverb - Temporala uttryck
Upptäck hur sammansatta adverb som "all along" och "up ahead" förmedlar tidsmässiga uttryck på engelska.
from the beginning or continuously throughout a period of time
från början, hela tiden
used to express that a condition must be met for something to happen or be true
så länge som, förutsatt att
used to indicate that something is happening or being done in the usual or customary way
som vanligt, som brukligt
used to indicate that something will happen or be accomplished eventually or after a period of time
så småningom, med tiden
used to refer to a point in the future or a specific moment that is coming soon
framöver, snart
at the current moment or during the existing time
för närvarande, just nu
for a limited period, usually until a certain condition changes
för tillfället, just nu
at the appropriate or expected time, without rushing or delay
i god tid, vid rätt tid
used to explain the main reason or starting point of a situation
för det första, i första hand
only a few moments before it is still possible to get something done or avoid something bad from happening
i sista stund, precis i tid
used to indicate that something will happen immediately after a certain condition or event occurs
så snart som, genast när
used to emphasize the present moment in relation to the topic under discussion
vid denna tidpunkt, just nu
used to emphasize a specific moment or period in history or a past event
vid den tidpunkten, vid den tiden
used to indicate that something is not expected to happen in the near future or immediately