Akademisk IELTS (Band 6-7) - Konjunktiva adverb
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till konjunktiva adverb som är nödvändiga för det akademiska IELTS-provet.
used to indicate that despite a previous statement or situation, something else remains true

ändå, likväl

used to refer to the outcome of a situation if the circumstances were different

annars, i annat fall

used to introduce a result based on the information or actions that came before

så, därför

used when introducing additional information to a statement that has just been made

likaså, också

used to highlight the differences between two or more things or people

i kontrast, å andra sidan

during the period of time while something else is happening or before a particular event occurs

under tiden, i väntan på

used to introduce a contrasting aspect of a situation, especially when comparing it to a previous point

å andra sidan, å sin sida

used to highlight differences or similarities when comparing two or more things or people

i jämförelse, jämfört med

used to signal the end of a discussion or presentation by summarizing the main points

avslutningsvis, för att sammanfatta

used to provide a brief and straightforward explanation of the main points or ideas

sammanfattningsvis, i korthet

used to indicate that the opposite or a different viewpoint is true in response to a previous statement

å andra sidan, tvärtom