Vücut - Burun
Burada "bridge", "nostril" ve "nasal cavity" gibi burunla ilgili İngilizce kelimeler öğreneceksiniz.
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either of the two external openings of the nose that one breathes through
burun deliği
(anatomy) a separating membrane between two cavities, such as that between the nostrils or heart chambers
a bony structure inside the nasal cavity that helps filter, humidify, and regulate airflow
insan ve diğer omurgalılarda burunda bulunan süngerimsi kemikler
(anatomy) any hollow tract in the bones of the face or the skull that is connected to the nasal cavities
a hollow space within the frontal bone of the skull that is filled with air
frontal sinüs
a group of small, air-filled cavities located within the ethmoid bone of the skull
etmoid sinüs
a paired cavity within the maxillary bone of the skull, responsible for producing mucus
maksiller sinüs
an air-filled cavity in the skull that plays a role in the respiratory system and is located within the sphenoid bone
sfenoid sinüs
the anatomical point where the frontal bone and nasal bones meet on the human skull
kafatasında burun kemiği ile alın kemiğinin birleşme noktası
the most anterior point or tip of the nasal bridge
burun kemiklerinin birleşme yerinin ucu
the upper part of the nose, specifically the bony and cartilaginous area that forms the bridge of the nose
burun uzunluğu
the pointed or rounded end of the nose that is located at the frontmost part of the nasal structure
apeks (burun tipi)
a narrow passageway within the nasal cavity that helps to warm, humidify, and filter the inhaled air
nazal konka çıkıntılarının oluşturduğu nazal pasajlar
a narrow passageway in the nasal cavity that aids in the drainage of the nasal passages
lateral nazal kavitenin hava geçidi
a part of the nasal cavity that helps with drainage and airflow in the nasal passages, located between the inferior and superior meatuses
orta kanal
a small area in the nasal cavity where the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses meet and play a role in drainage and ventilation
sphenoethmoidal recess
a hollow space in the nose that serves as a passage for air, helps filter and humidify inhaled air, and houses the sense of smell
burun boşluğu
the outer, fleshy part of the nostril that helps regulate airflow and contributes to the shape of the nose
dış burnun alt yan yüzeyi
a bony structure with an elongated rectangular shape that constitutes the nasal bridge
burun kemiği