
Toplum, Hukuk ve Politika - Adalet

"İlk gelen, ilk alır" ve "hırsızlar arası bozulduğunda dürüst adamlar kendi başlarına gelir" gibi adaletle ilgili İngilizce atasözlerinde ustalaşın.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Society, Law, & Politics
justice is blind

used to imply that justice should be impartial and unbiased, and not influenced by any external factors

adalet mülkün temelidir

adalet mülkün temelidir

first come, first served

used to say that people will be served or helped in the order that they arrive or make their requests

sona kalan dona kalır

sona kalan dona kalır

mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind (exceedingly) fine

used to imply that the process of justice or fairness may be gradual but ultimately inevitable

er ya da geç adalet yerini bulur

er ya da geç adalet yerini bulur

no one should be (the) judge in his own cause

used to suggest that a person cannot make an unbiased decision about a matter in which they are directly involved

kimse kendi davasının hakimi olamaz

kimse kendi davasının hakimi olamaz

what goes around, comes (back) around

used to suggest that if a person does good deeds, they will receive good things in return, and if they do bad deeds, they will face negative consequences

ne ekersen onu biçersin

ne ekersen onu biçersin

what is good for the goose is (also) good for the gander

used to emphasize that equal treatment and fairness should be applied to everyone, without any discrimination or preferential treatment

herkes için aynı koşullar geçerli

herkes için aynı koşullar geçerli

when thieves fall out, honest men come by their own

used to suggest that the conflict or disagreement between two untrustworthy people can create an opportunity for honest people to benefit from their downfall

hırsızlar düştüğünde dürüst adamlar kendi başlarına gelir

hırsızlar düştüğünde dürüst adamlar kendi başlarına gelir

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