Samenleving, Wet en Politiek - Justice
Beheers Engelse spreekwoorden over gerechtigheid, zoals "wie het eerst komt, het eerst maalt" en "als dieven eruit vallen, komen eerlijke mannen vanzelf".
used to imply that justice should be impartial and unbiased, and not influenced by any external factors
used to say that people will be served or helped in the order that they arrive or make their requests
used to imply that the process of justice or fairness may be gradual but ultimately inevitable
used to suggest that a person cannot make an unbiased decision about a matter in which they are directly involved
used to suggest that if a person does good deeds, they will receive good things in return, and if they do bad deeds, they will face negative consequences
used to emphasize that equal treatment and fairness should be applied to everyone, without any discrimination or preferential treatment