Erdem & Kötülük - İkiyüzlülük ve Bahane
"Doktor, kendini iyileştir" ve "nezaket dolu, hüner dolu" gibi ikiyüzlülüğü ve sahtekarlığı tasvir eden İngilizce atasözlerini keşfedin.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
used to imply that people should avoid pointing out faults in others if they themselves have similar or worse faults
sırça köşkte oturan komşusuna taş atmamalı
used to suggest that before trying to address or correct the faults of others, a person should first focus on addressing their own shortcomings and improving themselves
kelin ilacı olsa kendi başına sürer
used to suggest that sweet talk or flattery may be used to manipulate or deceive others, emphasizing the need to be cautious of those who use such tactics
tatlı dil yılanı deliğinden çıkarır
used for saying that someone who makes a lot of noise or threats is unlikely to act upon them with any real harm or action
havlayan köpek ısırmaz
used to suggest that a person should act in a way that is consistent with the image they want to project to others, emphasizing the importance of being authentic in one's behavior
kişinin gerçek kişiliği ile göründüğü kişiliği aynı olmalı
used to advise others to follow the speaker's advice or instructions, even if the speaker does not set a good example by following them
dediğimi yap yaptığımı yapma
used to imply that those who are least knowledgeable or skilled tend to be the most talkative, while the more knowledgeable ones are often quieter
boş teneke çok ses çıkarır
used to suggest that the person's apparent politeness and charm may be used as a means to achieve their own interests or objectives
nezaket kurnazlığın maskesidir