Doğa Bilimleri SAT - Placement
Burada, SAT sınavlarında başarılı olmak için ihtiyaç duyacağınız "askıya alma", "korse", "gömme" vb. yerleştirmelerle ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
the height or distance of an object or geographical feature above a specified reference point, typically measured from sea level

eğim, yükseklik

the immediate surrounding or area that is near or close around a person or thing

the specific way things are positioned relative to each other

düzenleme, konumlandırma

the act or process of arranging or positioning things in a particular way

düzenleme, yerleştirme

the act or process of placing one object or entity directly above or on top of another

üst üste koyma

the surrounding area or district, especially the suburbs or outskirts of a city or town

çevre, etraf

the specific place or scene where an event or action occurs, especially used to denote the exact location of a meeting or event

yer, konum

an event or incident that leads to the displacement or disruption of something from its usual or intended position

yerinden oynama, dislokasyon

the specific arrangement or grouping of parts or elements

konfigürasyon, düzenleme

to move something from its usual position or location to another

yerinden etmek, sıra dışı yerleştirmek

to bend downward or sag under the influence of gravity or due to lack of support or tension

sarkmak, önüne düşmek

to become stuck or fixed in a particular position, often in a way that is difficult to remove

sıkışmak, tutulmak

to go to a position in which the knees are bent and the back of thighs are touching or very close to one's heels

to hang or swing loosely and freely, especially from one end or point

sarkıtmak, salınmak

to arrange or hang something loosely and artistically over a surface or object

örtmek, sarmak

to secure, attach, or affix an item onto a surface or framework

monte etmek, sabitlemek

to hang something so that it dangles freely without support from below

asmak, suspend etmek

to be positioned at the side or edge of something, typically for protection, support, or observation

kamarasına almak, yalnız bırakmamak

to fit or place one thing snugly inside another, often in layers or concentric arrangements

iç içe koymak, yerleştirmek

to arrange or settle someone or something in a warm, cozy, or affectionate manner, typically by enclosing them closely for warmth or comfort

sarıldı, sıkı sıkıya sarılmak

to encircle or surround something and create a boundary or perimeter around it

çevrelemek, sarmak

to lift, position, and fix something into an upright or vertical position

dikey hale getirmek, kurmak

to place or lay something over something else, typically to create a combined or layered effect

üst üste koymak, gölgelemek

(of a place or building) far away from any other place, building, or person

uzakta bulunan
related to the deepest or most central point within a physical context

en içteki, en derin

relating to or characterized by position or placement, particularly in a physical or spatial sense

pozisyonel, konumsal

located at the farthest point from the center or inside of something

en dıştaki, en uzak

able to be positioned opposite to something else, particularly hands or fingers that can grip and hold things well

karşıt, kavrayıcı