Doğa Bilimleri SAT - Görünüm ve Doku
Burada, SAT sınavlarında başarılı olmanız için ihtiyaç duyacağınız "bulanık", "incecik", "gergin" vb. gibi görünüm ve dokuyla ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
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the act or process of compressing or reducing the volume of something, resulting in increased density

sıkıştırma, yoğunlaştırma

the state or quality of being curved or bent, describing the shape or contour of an object or surface

kıvrım, eğiklik

a polished, flat surface on a gemstone or bone, crucial for reflecting light in gems and for articulation in bones

yüz, facet

(of liquids) lacking in clarity for being mixed by other things such as sand or soil

exhibiting a shimmering, rainbow-like play of colors, typically due to refraction of light

renk değiştiren
containing small holes or gaps, allowing liquid or air to pass through

gözenekli, geçirgen

changed from its original shape or form, often in a way that makes it appear twisted, misshapen, or unclear

çarpıtılmış, değişmiş

having a smooth and shiny texture, typically describing hair, fur, or skin that appears healthy and well-maintained

having a flexible quality, capable of returning to its original shape after being stretched or compressed

esnek, lastik gibi

consisting of a hard building material that is made of the mixture of cement, water, sand, and small stones

betondan yapılmış
covered with small raised areas or irregularities, making it uneven to the touch

tümsekli, pürtüklü

(of a fabric or garment) folded or gathered in a series of small, parallel folds

plise, katlanmış

capable of being hammered or manipulated into different forms without cracking or breaking

unpleasantly damp and sticky, often referring to skin or surfaces that feel cool and moist to the touch

nem, yapışkan

having small, fine wrinkles or creases on the surface, often producing a texture that is slightly rough or uneven

kırışık, gözenekli

having the appearance or qualities that closely resemble or imitate real life

gerçek gibi
to reduce the volume or size of something by applying pressure, squeezing, or condensing it

sıkıştırmak, kompres etmek

to damage the appearance of something by causing a flaw or imperfection

kusurlu yapmak
to shape something, emphasizing its natural curves and outlines

konturlamak, şekillendirmek

to cause fibers to become matted and compacted, resembling felt, typically through pressure, moisture, or agitation

keçe yapmak, keçe haline getirmek