Книга Headway - Нижче середнього - Блок 6
Тут ви знайдете лексику з розділу 6 підручника Headway Pre-Intermediate, наприклад «фотограф», «стічні води», «заповідник» тощо.
someone who creates drawings, sculptures, paintings, etc. either as their job or hobby

someone whose job is to keep or check financial accounts

бухгалтер, фінансовий бухгалтер

a professional who studies and analyzes economic theories, trends, and data to provide insights into economic issues

someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession

someone who verbally changes the words of a language into another

усний перекладач
someone whose job is to change written or spoken words from one language to another

someone who deals with electrical equipment, such as repairing or installing them

a person who greets and deals with people arriving at or calling a hotel, office building, doctor's office, etc.

the act of arranging something, such as a seat or a hotel room to be kept for you to use later at a particular time

a state of being widely known or recognized, usually because of notable achievements, talents, or actions

слава, відомість

information or details that are given to make something clear or easier to understand

пояснення, тлумачення

to make something clear and easy to understand by giving more information about it

a written or spoken request to someone, asking them to attend a party or event

to make a formal or friendly request to someone to come somewhere or join something

запрошувати, кликати

a choice or judgment that is made after adequate consideration or thought

рішення, вибір

a group of particular objects put together and considered as a whole

колекція, зібрання

to gather together things from different places or people

збирати, колекціонувати

a discussion, typically a serious one, between two or more people with different views

to kill someone, especially as a legal penalty

виконати, привести до виконання (як дієслово)

to make plans or decisions known by officially telling people about them

оголошувати, повідомляти

to intentionally stay away from or refuse contact with someone

уникати, боронитися від

to enter a territory using armed forces in order to occupy or take control of it

вторгнутися, захопити

a sum of money that has to be paid, based on one's income, to the government so it can provide people with different kinds of public services

something that helps or prompts someone to remember a task, event, or important information

нагадування, повідомлення

to cut meat or other food into very small pieces, usually using a meat grinder or a sharp knife

подрібнити, нарізати

the waste water and other liquid waste from homes, businesses, and factories, usually carried away through pipes and treated

стічні води, каналізація

the quality of having the capacity to improve, succeed, or develop into something in the future

можливість, потенціал