to cause someone to stop believing in something they thought to be true

розчарувати, не виправдати надій

untrue information spread to hide the truth or deceive people

дезінформація, неправдива інформація

lacking sincerity and honesty, particularly by not revealing as much as one knows

нещирий, лицемірний

to not allow one's family, especially one's children, to receive any money or property after one's death

позбавити спадщини, дизінхеріт

to not give permission typically through the use of authority, rules, etc.

to isolate a jury in order to prevent them from talking to other people

ізолювати, сепаратувати

to isolate or separate something or someone from outside influence or contact

ізолювати, відокремлювати

to adjust the structure or layout of something in a new way

реорганізувати, переструктурувати