Реляційні Прикметники - Прикметники мовознавства
Ці прикметники пов’язані з вивченням, структурою та характеристиками різних аспектів мови, таких як фонологія, семантика, граматика, синтаксис тощо.
related to the science of language, including its structure, usage, and evolution
connected to the rules or the study of grammar
граматичний, граматична
related to the sounds of speech and their representation using symbols
relating to meaning in language, including the interpretation of words, phrases, and symbols within their context
able to speak, understand, or use two languages fluently
relating to syntax, which is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language
relating to the study of how the mind processes language, combining psychology and linguistics
relating to or characteristic of the use or understanding of a single language
referring to the ability to use or communicate in multiple languages
багатомовний, поліглот
relating to the smallest distinctive units of sound in a language
relating to the vocabulary or words of a language, including their meanings, usage, and relationships
лексичний, лексикальний
relating to different regional or social varieties of a language, characterized by unique words, grammar, and accents
діалектний, діалектальний
relating to the accent or stress placed on syllables in speech
акцентний, акцентований
related to the way words or elements are ordered in a sentence to create meaning
relating to the relationship between words that can substitute for each other in a sentence due to their shared grammatical properties or roles
парадигматичний, стосовно парадигм
relating to the way words are organized and studied in dictionaries
лексикографічний, стосовно лексикографії
relating to the study or explanation of the origin and historical development of words
етимологічний, стосовно етимології
relating to the correct or standard way of writing words, including their spelling, punctuation, and formatting
relating to the structure and form of words, and how they combine to create different grammatical forms
морфологічний, пов'язаний з формою слів
(phonetics) referring to the emphasis or prominence placed on a particular syllable or segment in a word or utterance
наголосний, акцентований
referring to syllables or segments within words or utterances that receive less emphasis or prominence compared to stressed syllables
не наголошений, недостатньо наголошений
having a similar or identical meaning to another word or phrase in the same language or context
синонімічний, однозначний
relating to the exchange of ideas or information through conversation or written expression
дискурсивний, дискусійний
relating to the intonation or pitch patterns in speech that convey meaning or express emotion
інтонаційний, інтонаційна