to quickly move forward while also swaying left and right in an uncontrolled and dangerous way
кульгати, шкереберть
to act a role in a motion picture or perform a play on stage
виконувати, грати
to shout loudly and emotionally, often expressing distress, anger, or frustration
ревіти, крикнути
to draw back involuntarily, often in response to fear, pain, embarrassment, or discomfort
схватитися, відсахуватися
to wail or lament loudly and mournfully, typically as an expression of grief or sorrow
плакати, оплакувати
to thrust or strike with a long-pointed weapon
пронизувати, вдарити списом
to redirect focus or diverting someone's attention from a particular subject or matter
відхиляти, збити з пантелику
to insert a liquid, especially a drug, into the body by using a syringe
робити укол
to carve or cut a design or lettering into a hard surface, such as metal or stone
гравірувати, висікати
to cover, furnish, or decorate with a strong and woven fabric
обтягувати тканиною, кривляти міцною тканиною
to engage in a combat or competition, typically involving mounted knights, who use lances to try to unseat each other
спарингувати, шукайте суперника
to call forth or evoke specific emotions, feelings, or responses
пробуджувати, викликати
to give a severe punishment to someone who has committed a major crime
осуджувати, визнати винним
to publicly express one's disapproval of something or someone
осуджувати, досадити