Abilități Lexicale pentru SAT 5 - Lecția 46
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to quickly move forward while also swaying left and right in an uncontrolled and dangerous way
a se îndrepta rapid, a se clătina
to act a role in a motion picture or perform a play on stage
a interpreta, a reprezenta
to shout loudly and emotionally, often expressing distress, anger, or frustration
striga, zbiera
to draw back involuntarily, often in response to fear, pain, embarrassment, or discomfort
a se retrage, a se strânge
to wail or lament loudly and mournfully, typically as an expression of grief or sorrow
a plânge, a jeli
to thrust or strike with a long-pointed weapon
străpunge, lovi cu o lance
to kill someone without legal approval
a spânzura, a executa fără proces
to redirect focus or diverting someone's attention from a particular subject or matter
a devia, a distrage
to insert a substance or material into the body, often through a needle
to carve or cut a design or lettering into a hard surface, such as metal or stone
grava, decupa
to cover, furnish, or decorate with a strong and woven fabric
a acoperi cu pânză, a decora cu un material rezistent
to engage in a combat or competition, typically involving mounted knights, who use lances to try to unseat each other
a lupta, a se lupta
to call forth or evoke specific emotions, feelings, or responses
a trezi, a provoca
to give a severe punishment to someone who has committed a major crime
a condamna, a pedepsi
to publicly express one's disapproval of something or someone
a denunța, a dezaproba