Список Слів Рівня C2 - Соціальна та моральна поведінка
Тут ви дізнаєтесь усі важливі слова для розмови про соціальну та моральну поведінку, зібрані спеціально для учнів рівня C2.
reluctant to speak to others, especially about one's thoughts and emotions

стриманий, ізоляційний

controlling a situation by actively taking steps to manage it, rather than being passive or reactive

проактивний, активний

controlling a situation by actively taking steps to manage it, rather than being passive or reactive

проактивний, активний

showing a tendency to have control over others without taking their emotions into account

деспотичний, авторитарний

(of a person) straightforward in expressing thoughts or opinions

відвертий, прямий

reserved, aloof, or distant in one's interactions with others, often conveying a sense of unfriendliness or coldness

стриманий, байдужий

(of a person or organization) having a desire to promote the well-being of others, typically through charitable donations or actions

філантропічний, благодійний

being dishonest and betraying someone behind their back, without them knowing

зрадницький, лихий

believing that one deserves special privileges or treatment without necessarily earning or deserving them

привілейований, високомірний

acting in a way that is different from what one claims to believe or value

лицемірний, лицемір

having no moral principles and willing to do anything to achieve one's goals

безпринципний, аморальний

extremely evil or shockingly wicked in a way that deeply disturbs or offends

огидний, нелюдський

inclined to deceive or betray others for personal gain or advantage

зрадницький, дворічний

behaving in a way that makes others feel inferior or belittled

зневажливий, снисходливий

acting in accordance with one's conscience and sense of duty

сумлінний, дбайливий

excessively allowing oneself or others to have more than is necessary

надмірний, потворний

able to utilize language to convey something well, especially in a persuasive manner

вразливий, чіткий

the quality of being reserved or quiet in one's communication with others

стриманість, скромність