a field painted with parallel lines in which American football is played

поле для американського футболу, грати на полі

a platform surrounded with ropes on which boxing and wrestling competitions take place

ринг, боксерський ринг

a designated area or facility where shooting sports such as archery, shooting, or hunting are practiced

стрілецький тир, підготовчий майданчик

the infield area of a baseball or softball field, typically shaped like a square with four bases at its corners

діамант, інфілд

a gentle and easy ski slope, typically used by beginners

схил для новачків, м'який схил

the area on a mountain or hill where people are allowed to ski

лижний спуск, гірськолижний схил

a designated bench or area where baseball players and coaches sit during a game when they are not actively playing, typically located near the diamond

лавка, дюгаут

a designated area beyond the outfield where relief pitchers warm up before entering a game

буллпен, площадка для розминки

an area of land or water used for races, sports, and other similar activities

гольфове поле
an area located next to the playing area in sports like basketball or tennis, offering a close view of the game

суддівська зона, бокова сторона майданчика

a marked trail or slope for skiing, ranging in difficulty from beginner to advanced

лыжна траса, катання на лижах

the course between the tee and the green that is well-maintained for easier play

фервей, ігрова зона

a small area near the hole where golfers practice their short, precise shots

путтинг-грін, зона патіння

a tennis court surfaced with crushed brick or clay

глиняний корт, тенісний корт з глиняним покриттям

the area directly next to the boxing or wrestling ring where spectators, officials, coaches, and support staff sit during the match

ринговий майданчик, майданчик біля рингу

a seat close to the ring where spectators have a clear view of the wrestling or boxing match

місце на рингу, сидіння біля рингу

a tennis court made of concrete or asphalt, offering a fast playing surface

тверде покриття, бетонний корт

small enclosed area or field where horses are kept, exercised, or prepared before a race

паддок, огорожене пасовище

the part of the baseball outfield directly between left field and right field, where a center fielder plays

центральне поле, центр поля

the area of the baseball outfield positioned to the right of the second baseman when facing the outfield from home plate

праве поле

the area of the baseball outfield positioned to the left of the second baseman when facing the outfield from home plate

ліве поле, ліва зона

one of the four designated areas in the ring where a fighter's team provides support and guidance between rounds

кут, куточок

the area where the outfielders play to catch fly balls and field hits

зовнішнє поле, зона аутфілду

the area within the diamond-shaped boundaries formed by the four bases, where the infielders play

інфілд, внутрішнє поле

the area of the court nearest to a team's own basket or goal, primarily used in basketball and tennis

задня половина, задня зона

the area near the front of the court, typically used in tennis and badminton

передня частина корту, передня зона корту

the specific area on the court from which a player must serve in sports like badminton and tennis

сервісний корт, зона подачі

an artificial surface designed to simulate the experience of skiing without the need for snow

сухий лижний схил, штучний лижний спуск

(American football) the area at each end of the field where players score touchdowns

зона_кінця, тачдаун_зона

(ice hockey) the area behind the goal nets where offensive and defensive plays are made

кінець зони, зона за воротами

(ice hockey) the area between the two blue lines on the rink where neither team has possession advantage

нейтральна зона, зона нейтралітету

(American football) the area between the opponent's 20-yard line and the goal line, where scoring becomes a priority

червона зона, зона гола

the designated mark from which penalty kicks are taken

місце штрафного удару, штрафний майданчик

a rectangular playing surface with baskets or hoops at each end, used for playing the sport of basketball

баскетбольний майданчик, баскетбольний корт

a designated rectangular area with specific markings where the game of badminton is played

майданчик для бадмінтону, корт для бадмінтону

the central area of an ice hockey rink, typically marked by a red line

центр льоду, центральна зона

the designated area on the ground where skydivers land after their parachute descent

зона приземлення, зона посадки

the area surrounding a swimming pool where spectators or swimmers relax or watch activities

біля басейну, зона біля басейну

the rectangular area in front of the goal where goal kicks are taken and certain rules apply to player positioning during corner kicks

ворітна площа, зона кутового удару

the center point of the American football field, marking the midway point between each team's end zone

ліния п'ятдесят ярдів, середина поля

the area of the volleyball court where a team's setter is not positioned

слабка сторона, слабка зона

one of the four bases on the diamond-shaped field that runners must touch in sequence to score a run

друга база, база два

the base that a baserunner must touch third in order to score a run

третя база, третя основа

a track or course specifically designed and used for racing events, such as automobile races or horse races

гонкова траса, можливість

the area along the track where teams quickly service cars with refueling, tire changes, and adjustments during a race

піт-стоп, бокс

the area just outside the playing field where non-players, substitutes, and spectators stay during a sports game

бровка, лінія поля

(cricket) the half of the field behind the batsman's legs, toward the left from the batsman's viewpoint for a right-handed batsman

бокова сторона, бокова зона

the part of a bowling lane where a player walks before releasing the ball

підхід, місце для розбігу

(golf) the specially prepared and well-maintained area surrounding the hole

грин, путтинг грін

the marked area where players start each hole, with different levels of difficulty

ті, стартова площадка

a track designed for racing, featuring a series of turns and straight sections that drivers navigate in a loop

циркуляція, коло

a course that is used for racing, usually round, and with multiple lanes

траса, доріжка

a special surface for athletes to run on, which is made of a rubbery material

бегова дорожка, легкотавтна траса

the area where the fencing bout takes place, marked with boundary lines for the competitors

площадка для фехтування