Необхідний Словниковий Запас для TOEFL - Успіх і невдача
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова про успіх і невдачу, такі як «виконати», «ідеальний», «впоратися» тощо, які потрібні для іспиту TOEFL.
the action or endeavor of trying to complete a task or achieve a goal, often one that is challenging

спроба, намір

an important discovery or development that helps improve a situation or answer a problem

прорив, досягнення

to accomplish or do something that was wished for, expected, or promised

to reach a level of acceptance and recognition due to permanent success

встановити, закріпити

to handle a difficult situation and deal with it successfully

справлятися, витримувати

to devote a lot of effort, time, etc. to something from which one expects to achieve a good result

інвестувати, присвячувати

producing desired results through effective and efficient use of time, resources, and effort

продуктивний, продуктивна

to try and seek something and engage in it in order to achieve one's goal

переслідувати, прагнути до

(of an act) without much hope for its success and done when nothing else works

to put a great deal of effort to overcome difficulties or achieve a goal

старатися, боротися
to succeed in solving, controlling, or dealing with something difficult
