کل انگریزی - سٹارٹر - یونٹ 9 - حوالہ
یہاں آپ کو یونٹ 9 سے ذخیرہ الفاظ ملیں گے - کل انگریزی سٹارٹر کورس بک میں حوالہ، جیسے "محفوظ کریں"، "اخبار"، "قرضہ لیں" وغیرہ۔
فلیش کارڈز
to move toward a location that the speaker considers to be close or relevant to them

آنا, قریب آنا

to search and discover something or someone that we have lost or do not know the location of

پانا, دریافت کرنا

to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials

بنانا, بنانے کی عمل

to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.

جیتنا, فتح حاصل کرنا

to make letters, words, or numbers on a surface, usually on a piece of paper, with a pen or pencil

لکھنا, نوٹ کرنا

to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

ادھار لینا, قرض لینا

to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit

سرمایہ لگانا, انویسٹ کرنا

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

ادھار دینا, قرض دینا

to bring and give a letter, package, etc. to a specific person or place

پہنچانا, ڈلیور کرنا

a set of large folded sheets of paper with lots of stories, pictures, and information printed on them about things like sport, politic, etc., usually issued daily or weekly

اخبار, جرنل

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

خیال رکھنا, حفاظت کرنا

a flat, narrow board made of wood, metal, etc. attached to a wall, to put items on

شیلڈ, شیلف

a building or set of buildings in which products are made, particularly using machines

کارخانہ, فیکٹری

giving attention or thought to what we are doing to avoid doing something wrong, hurting ourselves, or damaging something

ہوشیار, احتیاطی

having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return

سخاوت, سخی